The Town of Albion website address is
E-mail address is [email protected]
Office Hours: M-TH 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Office is closed on Fridays
ADDRESS: 620 Albion Road, Edgerton, WI 53534 Phone (608) 884-8974 Fax # (608) 884-2130
Tax Collection Hours
Monday – Thursday 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. The Town has a lock box in the back of the building you can also put your tax payments in.
TAXES SHOULD BE PAID BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER, PAYABLE TO THE TOWN OF ALBION. Please put your phone number on the check. January 31, 2024 is the deadline for paying 2023 taxes. Tax payments may be mailed to: Town of Albion, 620 Albion Road, Edgerton, WI 53534. If you want a return receipt, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Town Board
Chairman – Robert Venske – 884-4842 Cell- 774-4842 Supervisor – Bruce Hudson – 751-6656
Supervisor – Pat Tesar – 770-8400
Supervisor – Abigail Staff – 774-0816
Supervisor – Lawrence Beck – 279-8128
Clerk/Treasurer – Julie Hanewall
Road Crew – Jeffrey Wright and Jacob Kienbaum
Building Inspector – Steve Kittleson
Planning Commission
Kim Olson
Andy Decker
Kathryn Fosdal
Lawrence Beck
Gary Tellefson
Assessor – Accurate Appraisal, LLC 1-800-770-3927
LOTTERY CREDIT NOTICE: To Township Property Owners: Please check your tax bill for your lottery credit. If you have lived in your home since January 1, 2023 and it is your primary residents you are entitled to a Lottery Credit, if you do not have a lottery credit, please notify the clerk’s office immediately.
DOG LICENSE –All dogs in the township are required to be licensed. Dog license forms are on the website or in the office. If purchasing a dog license when paying your taxes, a separate check is required for the license. The fee is $15.00 spayed/neutered and $20.00 unaltered. If mailing in a dog license and fee, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope, license will not be returned without it. The Town of Albion has adopted Dane Counties Animal Control Ordinance. Dog owners must keep their dogs in their own yard or leashed. Fines for ordinance violations will be enforced if necessary and can be costly.
DRIVEWAY/ACCESS PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION. New driveways or any construction (asphalt paving, concrete, etc.) on existing driveways require a permit and damage deposit before any work is performed. To get started, call Julie at 608-884-8974.
PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON TOWN ROADS – On July 5, 2016 the Town Board passed Ordinance# 16-01 restricting parking on all town roads. A copy of the ordinance can be found on the web site or call Julie for a copy.
RIGHT-OF- WAYS (R-O-W’S): The Town of Albion has a R-O-W on all Town roads. Nothing is allowed in the R-O-W except mailboxes and fire number signs. Most R-O-W’s are 33 ft. from the center of the road (66 ft. total). Do not plant trees, bushes, build fences or do any excavating within the R-O-W. If you have questions, call Julie at 608-884-8974.
CURBSIDE SERVICE – Please keep your bins off of the paved roadway.
2024 calendar is enclosed. You can also find it on the website.
ORDINANCE AND TRAFFIC COMPLAINTS may be made to Dane County Sheriff’s Department at 608-255-2345. PLEASE DO NOT contact the Edgerton Police Dept. If it is an EMERGENCY, CALL 911.
REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGS are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the Albion Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. Public is encouraged to attend. Planning Commission meetings are scheduled as needed. Meetings and agendas will be posted on the Town’s Website: and 4 physical locations: Outside the Albion Town Hall, Albion Town Office, Edgerton Piggly Wiggly, and Oberg’s Bar.
MINIMUM PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE ORDINANCE – This ordinance was established to ensure the Town is kept enjoyable for everyone. It is designed to protect the health, safety and quality of life for the residents, visitors and businesses. Refer to the website for more information
PARK PAVILION AND TOWN HALL RENTAL: To rent call Julie. The cost for the Park is $75.00 for a resident of Albion and 100.00 for non-Albion resident. The cost of the Town Hall is 100.00 for a resident of Albion and 125.00 for non-Albion resident. Also, we have a $100.00 deposit that is paid at time of rental and refunded if everything is cleaned up and in good shape.
NEXT ELECTION for town officials will be held April 2, 2024. Two Supervisors are up for election.